Historical Documentation and Contemporary

 Are there any historical documents stating the real location on Great Ararat at 4800 m on North-West side, till July 2nd. 1840 A.D.? Yes there are!... All this is confirmed by historical documentation of the French traveler Boulé Legouze (1647 A.D.) and by the English traveler Sir John Chardin (1711 A.D.).

DOC. 62:
Engraving of Mt. Ararat showing reported resting place of the Ark. From Travels in Persia by Sir John Chardin. -1711 A.D.-

DOC. 63:
The Two Ararats, by Boulé Legouze. This French traveler sketched this crude rendering in 1647 A.D. His numbered location s reppresent: 1 the resting place of the Ark, 2 snow, 3 Fog, 4 the mountains of Ararat, 5 St. Jacob himself, 6 the voice that speaks, and 7 foothills from Penashkharik Pararan.

They both draw the Ark near the top of Great Ararat, opposite side of Little Ararat. (See photos 21-28-83-91 enclosed).


- Beroso, priest, astronomer and Babylonian historian who in 275 B.C. wrote on the habit of pilgrims climbing Ararat to scrape away the  pitch on the walls of the Ark to make amulets, describes the Ark visible on Mount Ararat. 

- Flavius Josephus, Jewish historian of the first century, wrote in his book: "The story of the Jews" the same Beroso's statement.

- Epifanio of Salamina in the 4 century A.D. used the real existence of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat as a piece of evidence in defense of the Christian faith, writing: "Do you really believe that we are not able to prove our faith even though up until our times the remains of Noah's Ark are visible in the country of the Kurds?".  

- William of Rubruck 1253 EV in his book wrote: " ...Near this city are mountains in which they say that Noah's ark rests; and there are two mountains, the one greater than the other; and the Araxes flows at their base; and there is a town there called Cemanum [=Thamanin ], which interpreted means "eight," and they say that it was thus called from the eight persons who came out of the ark, and who built it on the greater mountain. Many have tried to climb it, but none has been able. This bishop told me that there had been a monk who was most desirous (of climbing it), but that an angel appeared to him bearing a piece of the wood of the ark, and told him to try no more. They had this piece of wood in his church, they told me. This mountain did not seem to me so very high, that men could not ascend it. An old man gave me quite a good reason why one ought not to try to climb it. They call the mountain Massis, and it is of the feminine gender in their language. "No one," he said, "ought to climb up Massis; it is the mother of the world."

- Marco Polo, the famous Venetian traveller, passing near Mount Ararat in 1269 wrote in his book, "Il Milione" : "......and you should know that in that far - off land of Armenia Noah's Ark still lies there on top of a high mountain..."