Discovery Wooden Beam



On the 2nd December 2002 Claudio Schranz a member of our group and  alpine guide has been able to film clearly a beam of Noah’s Ark protruding out of the ice on Mount Ararat. It was found at 4000m between the begining of the Parrot glacier. The same site where Fernand Navarra in 1955 and 1969 extracted some wooden structures. Unfortunately our colleague didn't succeed  to extract because he was alone and with little time to disposition. Look Fernand Navarra Documentation



Woods found by Navarra in 1955


 wpe24.jpg (15323 byte)  wpeB.jpg (34528 byte)   Senza tit.jpg1.JPG (43653 byte) Senza tit.jpg (29540 byte)


Woods found by SEARCH in 1969


SEARCH1969-5.jpg (47308 byte)



Schranz didn't even succeed in in reaching it for setting an object as reference for the dimensions, because the beam was found exposed in a wall of ice hardly attainable. He was limited only to film it.




Videoclip wmv format open it with WindowsMediaPlayer or VLC etc.

Real Video Beam  to see few seconds of the video (2 MB) 


Real Video Beam   if you want to see few minuts of video (8 MB)







In recent July 2010 Schranz and one guide of ours found another wood piece on the upper side of Parrot glacier at 4200 meters of quota. We are attending the results of the analyses.

wood ridotto.JPG (37899 byte)   2 wood ridotto.JPG (47222 byte)  3 wood ridotto.JPG (90668 byte)


Other woods that we have found on the Ararat at over 4000 mt of quota in 2008


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