Armais Arutunoff

Armais Arutunoff , Armenier ,( Yerevan / Erivan ) später reicher Mann in Bartlesville , Oklahoma

  1926 : Armais Arutunoff, factory owner , inventor of the submergible electrical pump and motor, moves to Bartlesville , USA. He was the owner of one of the last black and white pictures / images of Noahs Ark , taken on expedition 1916 . ( Noone knows where the pictures have gone .) He was born in Armenia ( Russia ) . BARTLESVILLE, Okla.--An incentive package topping...retain 500 manufacturing jobs here.

Bartlesville Development Corp. and Schlumberger...industry. Reda was founded in 1930 in Bartlesville by Armais Arutunoff , who was a Russian

  Armais Arutunoff 1926 (Image and informations : From Internet) In 1916 Armais Arutunoff,who lived in Russia,developed an electrical submergible motor and pump. He emigrated to America in 1923 and in 1928 moved to Bartlesville and formed, with the backing of Phillips Petroleum company, the Bart Manufacturing Company. His pump was crucial to the successful production of thousands of oil wells. In 1930 the company became REDA Pump, an acronym for Russian Electrical Dynamo of Arutunoff. It occupied the city's industrial park just northwest of downtown and the plant eventually grew to nine acres, or 30 times its original size, through 42 additions over the years. REDA merged with TRW (another acronym for Thompson, Ramo, and Woolridge) in 1969 and later TRW REDA acquired the Masonic Building that had been the headquarters of Cities Service. REDA was divested by TRW in 1988 and became a division of Camco Inc. In the late 1990s the company became Schlumberger-REDA Production Systems. In 2001 the city, motivated by the need to retain the 500 jobs at REDA, announced an ambitious plan to rebuild the company's aging plant. The 16 different lease agreements for the land the plant occupied would be consolidated into one lease, and the plant would be rebuilt in phases resulting in a new city-owned and air-conditioned facility of over 300,000 square feet. But that plan was scrapped in early 2003 when Schlumberger announced it would not rebuild the facility, but instead only refurbish the existing structure. In 2004 Schlumberger sold the 170,000-square-foot nine-story Masonic Building to Rogers State University.

  Anatoly Arutunoff (son of Armais Arutunoff who developed the REDA pump, an electrical submergible motor and pump that revolutionized the oil patch ). (Here is a magazine article I wrote on a couple of them, Gerald Westby Geologist and his son Tryg Westby and his grandson Dane Westby ),  Armais Arutunoff and his son Toly. Birth Year - Death Year 1893 - 1978 Induction Year 1974 Profession Entrepreneur Oklahoma Connection.  Settled with his wife and daughter in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, in 1928.

  Armais Arutunoff built the first centrifugal pump while living in Germany and built the first submergible pump and motor in the United States while living in Los Angeles. No one would even consider his inventions until friends at Phillips Petroleum Company in Bartlesville encouraged him to form his own company there.

  Armais Arutunoff was born in Tiflis, Russia, and immigrated to the United States in 1923. Before coming to the U.S. he had formed a small company of his own, called Reda, to manufacture his idea for electric submergible motors. He later settled in Germany and then came with his wife and one-year-old daughter to the United States to settle in Michigan, then Los Angeles, and ultimately open his company once again in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The petroleum industry immediately showed interest in his inventions and he formed the Bart Manufacturing Company. One of his pumps and motors were soon installed in an oil well near Burns, Kansas – the first equipment of its kinds to be used in a well. News spread quickly, and by 1930 the company was expanded and renamed Reda Pump Company. It later became a division of TRW Inc. in 1939. Arutunoff’s company held 60 patents for industrial equipment, including the Electrodrill, which aided scientists in penetrating the Antarctic ice cap for the first time in 1967. A joint resolution was later passed by the Oklahoma House and Senate naming him “Mr. Americanism of Bartlesville.” 

  Concerning the Russian Expedition account, I see nothing stated by Armais Arutunoff that indicates half the Ark was underwater, or that it was broken in two pieces. It DOES say that about 1/4 of the barge was sticking out of the ice pack. It does not say that the other 3/4 of the barge was filled with ice. If it was, then there'd be no way to know how much was still inside the ice. The Russians also went inside the barge, measured the barge (possibly the entire thing from the inside), roughly measured the doorway of the barge (about 25 feet high x 25-30 feet wide), and found edible grain and honey inside the barge. They even took photos of the discovery, which Arutunoff was said to have kept and Dave GuMaer claims to have seen, but where they are now is unknown.

   The barge was said to be on a shelf overhanging a frozen lake below. It DOES NOT say it was submerged 70 feet under a frozen lake. The only statement cited in reference to water was from a letter from Zalesskii Nikaolai Valentinovich recounting what his (or her) grandfather said, which was something about water flowing from a crack UNDER the Ark. Russian Expedition You make a point that the Ark was covered in pitch. I have no argument about that. The problem is that over the course of 4000 or so years, the pitch would harden, crack, and sluff off, much like old paint on a house. Because the Ark would have been directly exposed to the elements (wind, rain, sun, freezing and thawing temps) before becoming frozen in ice, I don't think the pitch would last to preserve it clear up until now. Maybe a few small rock-hard lumps could remain. But it certainly would have done the job to help leak-proof the barge for a while. I also see you're still avoiding to respond to the 7 points made on the Noah's Ark Search website. Do you agree with those points or not? (Just above the links for the "Mount Sabalan Photos" near the page bottom) Noah's Ark Search - Mount Ararat

   Your correct, it would be easy to think Ed Davis was speaking of such a structure. However, he never spoke of that, he did mention other things with greater detail. One was a cage door he saw in the cave. I believe he said it was 3 foot by 3 foot, and it was petrified, and as hard as stone. He also said, it had somekind of latch on it. Also, he stated he saw oil lamps and pottery. Such accounts remind me of what David Duckworth said he saw, while working for the Smithsonian back in 1968. There are accounts of religious Pilgrims going up to the Ark to scrape pitch off of it to be used as keepsakes. That account came from the Greek Historian Herodotus. I believe the pitch was only used to keep the Ark safe until the ice covered it. And that ice I believe would preserve it. We have found Mastondons in ice that are thousands of years old, and no doubt, a large wooden Ark would have an equal chance at survival. Ice can build up very fast on Ararat, and it is doubtful that the Ark was exposed to the elements for a very long time after the flood. Conditions change on Ararat, and the 70 feet of ice over the Ark was made by photo intrepreter George Stephens back around 1989. Stephens himself does not believe in Noahs Ark, yet he has reported a very large man-made object on Ararat, that is now broken in two.

   When the Russians went to Ararat, there had been a number of warm summers which aided in the Ark being exposed. These conditions are very rare, and that is why few have ever gotten that close to view the Ark.

   Book Reference : The Search for Noahs Ark / Von Steve Boggess

   In 1916, immediately prior to the Russian Revolution, a Russian engineer developed a submergible electric motor/centrifugal pump that could be used in water wells, mines, and ships. The inventor was Armais Sergeevich Arutunoff, born in the Caucasus Mountains in 1893. After immigrating to the United States in 1923, in 1928 he came to Bartlesville, Oklahoma, to work for Phillips Petroleum Company. With Phillips's backing, he refined his pump for use in oil wells and first successfully demonstrated it in a well in Kansas. The device was manufactured by Bart Manufacturing Company, which in 1930 changed its name to REDA Pump, with the letters representing the words "Russian Electrical Dynamo of Arutunoff."